Buyer Resources


10 Home Buying Traps and How to Avoid Them

Buying a house or condo is a major investment no matter which way you look at it. For some buyers, it can be an even more expensive process than it needs to be because they fall prey to at least a few of the many common and costly mistakes. These mistakes trap them into:

  • paying too much for the property they want, or
  • losing the property to another buyer, or
  • buying the wrong property for their needs.

A systemized approach to the buying process can help you steer clear of these common traps, allowing you to not only cut costs, but also secure the property that’s best for you.

A special industry report, entitled 10 Home Buying Traps and How to Avoid Them, has recently been released. The report discusses the ten most common and costly buyer traps, how to identify them, and what you can do to avoid them. Please read this important report before you purchase your property.


6 Things You Must Know Before Purchasing a Home

Mortgage regulations have changed significantly over the last few years making your options wider than before. Subtle changes in the way you approach mortgage shopping, and even small differences in the way you structure your mortgage, can cost or save you literally thousands of dollars and years of expense. Whether you are about to buy your first house or condo, or are planning to purchase your next property, it is critical that you inform yourself about the factors involved.

Industry insiders have recently prepared a special report entitled 6 Things You Must Know Before Purchasing a Home. The report reveals six important issues that buyers must consider when mortgage shopping. If mishandled, these issues can have a significant impact on the outcome of this critical negotiation. If handled correctly, they can result in a mortgage that will cost less over a shorter period of time. Please read this report and learn how to secure the best mortgage for your next move.


How to Save Thousands When You Buy a Home

If you’re like most buyers, you have two primary considerations in mind when you start looking for a house or condo:

  • First, you want to find a property that perfectly meets your needs and desires.
  • Secondly, you want to purchase this property for the lowest possible price.

When you analyze those successful buyers who have been able to purchase their property for thousands of dollars below the seller’s asking price, some common denominators emerge. Although your agent’s negotiating skills are important, there are four additional key factors that must come into play long before you ever submit an offer.

This topic has been the subject of extensive analysis by industry experts. A summary of their findings can be found in a recent report entitled How to Save Thousands of Dollars When You Buy a Home. The report outlines the psychology of how a seller sets their asking price, and provides a simple four-step purchase plan for buyers. Please read this report and find out how to successfully slash thousands off the price of the property you want.


13 Extra Costs to Be Aware of Before Buying a Home

Whether you’re looking to buy your first property, or trading up to a larger one, there are many costs on top of the purchase price that you must figure into your calculation of affordability. These extra fees, such as taxes and other additional costs, could surprise you with an unwanted financial nightmare on closing day if you’re not informed and prepared.

Some of these costs are one-time fixed payments, while others represent an ongoing monthly or yearly commitment. While not all of these costs will apply in every situation, it’s better to know about them ahead of time so you can budget properly.

Buying a house or condo is a major milestone. Whether it’s your first, second or tenth property, there are many important details to address. There is also stress and excitement to deal with during the process. The last thing you need are unbudgeted financial obligations in the hours before you take possession of your new residence.

To help buyers understand what these extra costs are, and in what situations they may apply, industry experts have recently prepared a report entitled 13 Extra Costs to Be Aware of Before Buying a Home. Please read this report and make sure you’re budgeting properly for your next move.


6 Housing Mistakes to Avoid When Trading Up or Downsizing

Unlike the experience of buying your first house or condo, when you already own a property and are looking to trade up or downsize to another, there are certain factors that can complicate the situation. It’s very important for you to understand these issues before you list your property for sale.

Not only is there the issue of financing to consider — especially when trading up — but you also have to sell your property at exactly the right time. The timing is crucial in order to avoid the financial burden of owning two properties or, just as bad, the dilemma of having no place to live during the gap between closings.

In answer to this, industry insiders have recently prepared a special report entitled 6 Housing Mistakes to Avoid When Trading Up or Downsizing. The information contained in this report will help you make informed choices before you put your property on the market in anticipation of moving to another. Please read this report and find out how to make your move worry-free and without complications.


Fixer Uppers: Myths & Facts — What to Know Before Buying

If you decide that your next house must be a fixer upper, you absolutely have to do some homework on the subject before purchasing this type of property. Many prospective buyers tend to have a romanticized version of the entire process and are quite shocked when confronted with the hard reality. Fixer uppers can often represent a great opportunity to purchase a house for less, as long as you thoroughly research the facts before making that offer.

Industry experts have recently prepared a special report entitled Fixer Uppers: Myths & Facts — What to Know Before Buying. The report dispels the five most commonly held myths surrounding fixer upper properties. Please read this report to find out whether or not a fixer upper even suits your present personal and financial needs.


Newly Built Homes: 12 Valuable Tips for Buyers

When shopping for a house or condo, you’ll discover that most properties on the market are resales. Yet, some buyers choose to purchase newly built homes or condos in new communities. Which is better: resale or new? The choice that’s right for you depends on several factors, such as your finances, your family composition, and your taste.

Both resales and new properties offer advantages. Resales are less expensive on average; generally enjoy the warmth and surroundings of established neighborhoods with mature landscaping; and may be located in neighborhoods that offer historic designations with significant tax savings, ocean views, the beach, etc. New properties, on the other hand, offer innovative use of space and style; have greater energy efficiency; provide a choice of options and upgrades; and may be in areas with a greater selection of outstanding schools.

Should you be thinking about buying new construction, there are a number of things you must know about — including little-known buyer advantages that most builders won’t divulge unless pressed. These are discussed in a special report entitled Newly Built Homes: 12 Valuable Tips for Buyers. Please read this report before you visit your first model home.


Pet Owners: Making the Move Easier on Your Pets

Moving can be hard on everyone involved: adults, kids, and yes… even your pets! While your pet may not understand exactly what is going on, they can sense the stress (good or bad) that the whole family is experiencing. Add to that the fact that animals are creatures of habit and do not like changes to their usual routine, and you can understand why they become so confused. They can also become quite anxious when all of a sudden they see their human family busily throwing everything around them into boxes.

Naturally, we always want to keep our pets happy and healthy because we love them. However, we also want to lessen the chances of their “acting-out.” Animals, just like people, can behave rather badly under stress. We need to do all we can to help them feel secure throughout the moving process.

With this in mind, we have gathered helpful moving tips from industry experts that any pet owner can easily follow. These tips can be found in a special report entitled Pet Owners: Making the Move Easier on Your Pets. Please read this important report if you’re planning on moving with pets.


Parents: Preparing Your Young Children for the Move

Over the years, many studies have been conducted to define and rank which typical life experiences cause the greatest amount of stress for the average adult. For anyone who has had to make a move, it probably comes as no surprise that moving ranks within the top 10 of the most stressful events. Once you add children to the equation, the stress level only increases.

To help parents prepare their young children for the move, and also help them adjust to their new home and community after the move, we have compiled the best tips from industry experts. These tips can be found in a special report entitled Parents: Preparing Your Young Children for the Move. Please read this important report if you’re planning on moving with children.


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Other Resources

San Diego Market Pulse

Keep in touch with what’s happening in the marketplace. Check out our monthly San Diego County overview and quarterly neighborhood reports. Don’t forget to subscribe if you’d like to receive an update once a month in your inbox.


Buyer Guide

The home buying process involves several steps, from finding a Realtor® to making an offer to closing the deal. Whether you’re a first-time or experienced buyer, please begin with reviewing our Buyer Guide.


Mills Act Properties

The Mills Act provides a monetary incentive designed to encourage the preservation, maintenance, and restoration of designated historic properties. Owners of qualified houses and condos in San Diego County may receive substantial property tax reduction (20–70% savings).


"Coming Soon" Listings

Properties often get promoted before they’re officially offered for sale. Let us know what you’re looking for, and we’ll help you beat other buyers to these hot new listings.


Top-Rated Property Search

Many people don’t realize that online property searches are not created equal. The fact is that popular real estate websites do NOT display all listed properties for sale. Don’t miss out! Here is the real estate industry’s national search portal, featuring the same accurate, real-time information that agents access. Now you can receive priority access to hot new listings from all real estate companies in the San Diego area.


Mortgage Pre-Approval

As a prospective purchaser, start the financing pre-approval early on so you can get a firm handle on your interest rate and estimate of closing costs. If you do this prior to searching for your house or condo, you can shop with a greater sense of freedom and security — knowing that the money will be there when you find the property.

When you are ready to make an offer, it makes sense to negotiate from the strongest position possible. In today’s market, it’s not uncommon for a seller to receive multiple offers on their property. Sellers can be selective in the final buyer they choose to negotiate with. All things being equal, a pre-approved buyer will almost always win. With that said, there are things you can do to make certain that your offer is the one the seller accepts.

Pre-approval is fast, easy and free. Should you decide to take advantage of it, simply contact us and we will forward your information to one of our preferred mortgage professionals who can assist you.


Relocation Services

Our Global Relocation and Referral Services Division has quickly risen to be one of the preeminent in the world, exceeding the expectations of individuals, corporate clients, and relocation management companies alike.


Ask an Expert

There is no doubt that buying real estate is a complex process. That’s why we provide many valuable resources on this website. However, if you have a concern or question that you can’t find an answer for here, we still want to help. Contact us and we’ll connect you with an appropriate expert for response.